sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Family Medicine: Innovation and "The Hershey Conversation"

The Dr  Synonymous Show November 2, 2010

Family online pharmacy viagra:  Innovation and "The Hershey Conversation"

Listen on Blog Talk Radio at this link 24/7.
Introduction and Welcome
Congratulations to my hometown of Dayton, OH being named the Number One Worst City for Allergy Sufferers in the US.  


Disclaimer- I am a practicing family physician, but we're not practicing medicine on the show.  Your best way to get good health care is through your personal family physician.

Patient honoring: We're only doctors because there are patients.  Let's always honor them.

Patient Blog:  That's What She Said "Inflammation and My Hippie Ways"


Physician Blog:  Musings of a Distractable Mind by Dr Rob 11/2/10.  Election Reflection.


My blog: Surprised at the geography covered by readers. 
The Family Medicine Education Consortium NE Regional Meeting in Hershey, PA

The Healthcare Innovators Network- a Pre-conference session

Several speakers with special messages from :

Alan (Chip) Teel, MD Elder Power to help Seniors remain in their homes www.Lincme.net

     started in Damariscotta, ME. High Touch, High Tech Senior Support.

Seven Dollars Can Change Lives by Edward G. Zurad, MD. Improving employee health and saving health dollars.

Patient Broadcast Network by Shawn Moyer, MD of Pinchot Med Center, Pinchot, PA (Small,  successful family practice using OX Bow EMR- unique and family medicine friendly)


Co-Ops for Medicine by Cathy A. Smith, Using Farm Concepts to help people survive together- one vote per person.

Patient Centered Medical Home Presentations abounded.  Geisinger Health Center and others.

TV coverage of FMEC Meeting:  Notice the medical students. Emphasis on the pipeline to deliver good family doctors.

Challenged kids dance and arts program:  Reach USA with 400 youth involved.  Enthusiastic group danced at FMEC meeting. See photos below
More Reach USA photos

Other Important Presentations:  Social Media by Kenny Lin, MD; Doctor Anonymous, Dr Synonymous well attended, well received update on various uses for social media in Family Medicine.  PAFP students started a blog, tweeted and used facebook and YouTube at the meeting.


Roland Goertz, MD, MBA President of AAFP "The Time Has Come" A great leadership talk with emphasis on where we're headed.  Special comments for medical students about a career in family medicine.

Coaching for Performance by Anton Kuzel, MD and Will Miller, MD Great leadership session about coaching and leading.

Beyond the PCMH: the Consumer-Oriented Human Centered Health Home (HCHH) by Steve  Deal, MS; Rosemary Ramsey, PhD; and Pat Jonas, MD.  A step in the right direction.

Aligning Primary Care Workforce and Infrastructure in an Era of Reform:  New Data and Online tools from the Robert Graham Center. Important data about primary care workforce from each medical school and residency.

Book Signing by authors in attendance:  Behavioral Medicine in Primary Care by Julie Shirmer et al.  The section on physician burnout is compelling. We need to take better care of ourselves.

So many great aspects to FMEC NE Meeting 2010. Overall a highly motivating experience and a breath of fresh air about the future of family medicine and health care.  It seems like we've started "The Hershey Conversation" about hope for health care and for people, like our patients and our selves.

My opinion of FMEC:  Important Organization. Stay tuned.

Go to twitter.com and search for #fmecnet  for tweets from the meeting.  Notice the tweets from med students, especially those from the PAFP.
Next week at 8-9 PM Tuesday night on BlogTalk Radio, I'll interview Ken Bertka, MD past president of the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP) and recently a Board member of AAFP about family medicine, healthcare reform,etc.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

NVIDIA Tegra Powers Tablets: CTIA 2010

LAS VEGAS (TheStreet) -- NVIDIA's Neil Trevett reveals Tegra powered cialis, including the first look at Wired magazine's tablet.

Viagra es el medicamento más falsificado

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La Viagra falsificada es la campeona.
Ante la proliferación de laboratorios clandestinos en los que se falsifican medicamentos para toda gama de enfermedades y condiciones de salud, las autoridades e industrias farmacéuticas han dado la voz de alerta para que los ciudadanos eviten comprar medicamentos en la calle o en la Internet sin conocer su procedencia, ya que los resultados pudieran ser, literalmente, cuestión de vida o muerte.
La Viagra es el medicamento número uno más falsificado, al igual que las otras pastillas que se usan para la disfunción eréctil, como el falso purchase cialis y Levitra.

Otro muy común, del que también hay que mantenerse en alerta, es el Lipitor.
La Administración Federal de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) ha arremetido a lo largo y ancho de Estados Unidos contra varios productos falsificados en el mercado, siendo uno de los casos más sonados el de Lipitor, que se prescribe para bajar los niveles de colesterol.
Otro caso de gran envergadura fue el de Procrit, también falsificado, que es un medicamento inyectable que se usa para estimular el crecimiento de células rojas.
En meses recientes hubo problemas con Aleve, ya que se inundó el mercado de unas producciones que no eran los medicamentos verdaderos.
En este caso, trascendió que la manera en que se podía reconocer el lote es que la fecha de expiración estaba mal rotulada. La falsificación incluía mes, día y año, cuando el verdadero sólo contiene el mes y el año.
Además, el verdadero Aleve tiene un sello de seguridad que lee: “Sealed for your protection”. En el producto falso no se hacía la advertencia.